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Transformation through Music and Power Yoga with Paul Teodo

Episode 43 is live!!!!

This episode is all about transformation, yoga and personal journeys to express and explore our true potential, Paul and I chat:

💫His personal journey that lead him to yoga.

💫Why power yoga over any other form of yoga?

💫What is it about power yoga that empowers him on a emotional and/or physical level.

💫Using yoga for healing & stimulating the healing power of nature. How he delivers yoga as a holistic therapy and his purpose as a yoga practitioner.

💫As a worldwide teacher why Bali?

💫How has becoming a father changed him?

💫Personal journey with music & using live music during yoga classes.

💫About the yoga teacher evolution podcast

💫Plans for the future and future goals.

About Paul
Paul Teodo is a yoga and meditation teacher and musician from the USA. Paul received his YTT certification through YogaWorks, studying under David Kim and Jesse Schein. Upon graduation, Paul was immediately offered a slot at Bryan Kest’s world famous studio in Santa Monica. Paul spent 5 years there, and at other studios in LA building a reputation as one of the best young teachers in Los Angeles. He continued to study with senior teachers Sara Ivanhoe, Travis Eliot, Bryan Kest, Steve Ross, and meditation under Dr. Lorin Roche.
Paul has taught approximately 5000 yoga classes. He was named the #1 Yoga Teacher in Los Angeles in 2016 by the Culture Trip. In 2017 he moved to Indonesia with his partner and got hired at the world famous Yoga Barn in Ubud.
He currently leads workshops, classes and retreats all over the world, teaches a full schedule in Bali, and has released 2 albums of instrumental meditation music.

Find Paul and more about him here:


Hosted by
Jodi Duval

Perth based Functional Naturopath and Lecturer, Jodi Duval discusses health tips and tricks for you and your family. Giving you the latest information to get you to your optimal health and empower you with the knowledge and passion to do so. Jodi will also be featuring guests from a variety of different areas of the health and wellness industry. Stay tuned and have fun!

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Episode 43