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Client Stories – Perception and Life Path Changes with Luke

Tune into something special. 🎧

We are thrilled to launch a new segment “Client Stories” unpacking incredible vitality transformations fueled by aligned lifestyle upgrades, cutting-edge therapies, and holistic care. 🙌

Hear directly from clients who reclaimed their wellbeing through custom protocols blending both alternative and modern techniques. 💫

Topics span everything from vanquishing chronic issues, raising empowered children, reigniting intimacy, finding life purpose, shifting emotional states, fertility journeys and more. 🤝

Up first is Luke – he came to us to address back pain and anxiety, and left with a completely redirected health trajectory. Two years later and he’s now helping others in his family to heal!

If you or a loved one struggle with a nagging health saga draining your vibrancy, these stories deliver inspiration. 🙏 The real-life accounts of amazing change unlock insight for unleashing your untapped potential on all levels. 🦋

Share with anyone seeking empowered recovery! ♾️

Hosted by
Jodi Duval

Perth based Functional Naturopath and Lecturer, Jodi Duval discusses health tips and tricks for you and your family. Giving you the latest information to get you to your optimal health and empower you with the knowledge and passion to do so. Jodi will also be featuring guests from a variety of different areas of the health and wellness industry. Stay tuned and have fun!

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Episode 72