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Behaviour and Learning difficulties in children with Naturopath Gloria Cicchini

Behaviour and Learning difficulties in children with Naturopath Gloria Cicchini.

In the episode Gloria and I chat all about kids and in particular behavioural issues related to health and what we can do about it.

We discuss:
→What are the aspects that play part with learning and behavioural difficulties.
→What are the most important things that need to be addressed.
→A stepped approach to addressing these issues.
→Importance of chemical and preservative free food.
→Heavy metals and chemicals.
→What can you do at home to get started.

Gloria is a qualified Naturopath and Life Coach who has worked in varied roles within the Natural Medicine industry for the past 23 years.  Currently, Gloria is based in Perth, where she runs a Naturopathic Consultancy specialising in Herbal and Nutritional interventions as well as dietary modification to improve learning and behaviour in children with behavioural disorders, coaching burnt out parents of these kids to help make their life less stressful and restore their energy, as well as facilitating wellness in many clients with a range of health conditions.
When not consulting, Gloria is the Senior Lecturer at the Endeavour College of Natural Medicine, Perth Campus, where she pursues another passion; teaching and inspiring the up and coming movers and shakers in the Natural Medicine field.

Aside from her Naturopathic qualifications, Gloria has a Cert IV in Life Coaching from the Coaching Institute, a Graduate Certificate in Evidence Based Complementary Medicine and a Bachelor of Medicines Management with Professional Honours in Complementary Medicine, from the University of Tasmania.

She believes that food is medicine.  Every time you eat, you are given the opportunity to either nourish and feed your body and prevent illness, or are given the opportunity to move towards disease by eating processed, packaged foods filled with sugar and artificial ingredients.  She also advocates yoga, meditation and mindfulness as a therapy to help balance our hectic lives and schedules.  Stress is an under-rated cause of biochemical imbalance, which contributes to conditions such as anxiety and depression as well as digestive dysfunction, hormone imbalance and obesity.  Learning to quieten and train the mind is a non-negotiable part of achieving optimal wellness in today’s world.

You can follow Gloria:

*fedup.com.au is the website Gloria recommended. Unfortunately, our connection cut out briefly.

Hosted by
Jodi Duval

Perth based Functional Naturopath and Lecturer, Jodi Duval discusses health tips and tricks for you and your family. Giving you the latest information to get you to your optimal health and empower you with the knowledge and passion to do so. Jodi will also be featuring guests from a variety of different areas of the health and wellness industry. Stay tuned and have fun!

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Episode 23